How to get to Villa Cini
Villa Cini is located in the heart of Chianti, in the Bucine area. You can find it on the map by using GPS coordinates Latitude: 43.4436381972955 and Longitude: 11.638850569725
or by using the Google Maps link above. We highly recommend flying in to Florence Airport (FLR), as it is the closest international airport to the venue. From there,
you can rent a car or take a train directly from Florence to Bucine. Dozens of trains run from Florence's main train station, Florence Santa Maria Novella (SMN) to Bucine per day.
Once you are in Bucine, it will be a short taxi ride to the venue, only about 5km (3.1 miles). The train typically take one hour and 6 minutes from departure to arrival. Driving from
Florence to the venue takes a similar amount of time, but it is typically much cheaper to take a train than to rent a car.
If you opt to travel by train, check out the Trenitalia website. Here, you can see the schedule for the trains by simply
entering "Firenze S. M. Novella" in the "From" box and "Bucine" in the "To" box. The venue also mentions that you can take the train from Florence and go to Arezzo or to Montevarchi, where you can take a taxi or rent a car.
If you opt to travel by rental car, the venue gives the following directions:
From the north: Autostrada A1 exit Valdarno-Montevarchi and after planning turn right, go into the direction of Siena. Between Montevarchi and Levane there is a big roundabout. Exit to direction Siena - Bucine. At that point, you don't need to enter any villages. You have to pass Bucine and Capannole (small village). After Capannole turn left to Badia Agnano, after 1 km you will find the signs to Villa Cini on your left, take the cypress lane and you are arrived.
From the south: Autostrada A1 exit Monte San Savino, then take the super strada and exit at Alberoro, follow the signs to Civitella in Val di Chiana, after Civitella go to Badia Agnano, after Badia Agnano go 1 km on your right, before Capannole, you will find the signs to Villa Cini.